Ray White Ballarat Property Investment Manager Kirsten Aisbett describes a typical day in her role.
Property Managers wear many different hats; on a daily basis our job requires us to deal with many people and a variety and situations. A Property Manager acts as a go between for the owner of the property and the tenant and often our focus can change dramatically.
One day we might be conducting open for inspections, attending to urgent maintenance, following up tenants for rent arrears and other days we are conducting general inspections or acting on behalf of the Landlord at a VCAT hearing. We also undertake regular training to keep our skills and knowledge up to date.
Property Managers need strong organisational skills to ensure all work is completed effectively and efficiently. We also ensure that our properties are being leased at the best rental possible to maximise our Landlord’s return on their investment and ensuring that their tenants are happy.
My day usually starts around 8:30am as I respond to all e-mails at the start of the day that come through overnight. As Property Managers we are required to be in and out of the office for hours at a time. My days are spent opening up properties to prospective tenants, attending to paperwork, responding to e-mails, answering calls and processing applications.
The best part about being a Property Manager is having the ability to meet new people on a daily basis and knowing you have happy Landlords.