The Victorian Government has announced a package to assist landlords and tenants impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Landlords and tenants are expected to negotiate a rent reduction consistent with the support package announced on 15 April 2020 and in good faith. Guidance about what good faith negotiations entail is available on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website and the Victorian Small Business Commission website. Landlords who provide eligible tenants impacted by the coronavirus pandemic with rent relief may be eligible for:
a reduction of up to 50% on the property’s 2020 land tax,
and a reduction of 25% on the property’s 2021 land tax.
As part of the application process, commercial landlords must submit a declaration by their tenant that they meet the criteria related to land tax relief for 2020 and or land tax relief for 2021. If you are a tenant, you can complete this declaration form and then give it to your landlord so they can demonstrate that you are an eligible tenant and claim a land tax reduction on the property they lease.
Click here to read more
Source: SRO