Over the past year the Victorian Government has been undertaking a review of laws relating to rental housing in Victoria entitled “Fairer Safer Housing”.
The final Residential Tenancies Act Options Paper outlines a range of proposed changes which are very concerning and require an urgent response from landlords.
A brief summary of the changes can be viewed here and we urge you to have your say on these changes by Friday 10th February, 2017.
The full Fairer Safer Housing Options Discussion Paper which covers in detail the proposed changes can be viewed here.
If you would like to learn more about the proposed changes, REIV Director Sophie Lyons will be joining our Director Phillip Lee on “Your Property” on 3BA FM 102.3 at 8.35am tomorrow morning (Saturday 4th February).
The REIV are holding a free Information and Consultation Session in Ballarat at 4pm on Tuesday 7th February at Mercure Ballarat Hotel & Convention Centre, if you would like to attend please call the REIV on 03 9205 6622 to register.