On Monday 15th October 2018 Ray White Ballarat held a Property Investor Information Evening at the new Ballarat Tech School.
The night was attended by over fifty landlords and prospective investors who are considering moving into the property investment market.
Attendees heard about upcoming Major Tenancy Act Changes from Phillip Lee (Director Ray White Ballarat), Investor Financing Options from Stephen Britton (Mortgage Choice Ballarat), Maximising Depreciation Claims from Hugh Diskin (BMT Tax Depreciation), Landlord Insurance from Kay Jackson (Simplex Insurance Solutions), Market Overview & Opportunities – Trevor Booth (Director Ray White Ballarat) and What Tenants Are Looking For from Jordan Keast & Kate Brennan (Ray White Ballarat).
The night finished off with a Q & A Panel including all speakers plus Kayleigh Eastick and Tianna Vella from Ray White Ballarat with lots of questions being asked.
Door prizes given away on the night to three lucky attendees included Gold Class movie tickets and bottles of champagne and wine.