The 10th Ray White Ballarat Rent Event was held on Wednesday 21st November, 2012 from 9.15am – 5.30pm. One hundred and fifty five prospective tenants inspected thirty one Ballarat rental properties during the day which again turned out to be very successful. This was an increase of fifty nine more tenants inspecting properties compared to October’s Rent Event.
Ray White Ballarat Director Phillip Lee said the large number of tenants inspecting rental properties was a direct result of the low rental vacancy rate in Ballarat which according to REIV figures for October was 1.5%. Mr Lee said the combination of falling interest rates and the low vacancy rate made investing in Ballarat real estate very attractive.
Since February 2012, Ray White Ballarat have now run ten Rent Events and their property management department have shown 1194 prospective tenants through 233 rental properties.
Mr Lee said property investors who would like their rental property to be part of the next Rent Event should contact their Business Development Manager Gaile Atkinson on 5337 0519 or 0417 353 138.