There’s no more fitting way to sign off a remarkable real estate year than to have a record-breaking December!
The Ray White Group had a record breaking December with a result of $3.37billion. This would be an outstanding month at any time of the year let alone one dominated by vacation and family time as is our December.
In December, Loan Market recorded its highest settled loans in all states bar one, with 15 per cent growth on average results for this financial year.
Chinese investment in rural land is ongoing. Bruce Gunning, principal of Ray White Rural Sydney has secured two large deals in South West Queensland with a total value of over $40 million.
A Little Ray of Giving proved to be our most successful in 2014 with 250 offices around Australia and New Zealand participating. Throughout the campaign, 15,000 gifts were donated to disadvantaged children.
Click Here to read the latest edition of The White Paper, Brian White’s review of the market and Ray White Group activity in December.